Central Bedfordshire Liberal Democrats Local Party
Nomination Form (Please use additional forms for each nominee)
I nominate (print name)…………………………….....................................................…………………..
for the Executive Committee position of ……………………………………............................……….
To serve in the calendar year 2023/2024
Proposed by (print name): ………………......................................……………. (Signature/Date if email) ……............................................……………
Seconded by(print name): ………………......................................……………. (Signature/Date if email) ……............................................……………
Has the nominee consented to this nomination and agreed to serve - Yes / No (please circle) – Date contacted ……….…………………………………
Please Note:
Nominations must be submitted no later than 11 November 2023 by email or post to: Elizabeth Owen – Secretary
Email: elizabeth.owen643@gmail.com
Mrs E Owen
4 Oakwell Close
If no nominations are received prior to the AGM, nominations will be sought on the evening at the AGM.
Where one or more nomination is received prior to the AGM no further nominations will be taken at the AGM, for these positions’ nominations will be deemed closed prior to AGM starting.
Where only one person is nominated for a role, they will be appointed at the AGM to that role.
Where more than one person is nominated, a ballot will be held on the evening at the AGM (only members present will have a vote), this will be overseen by an appointed Returning Officer. Voting will be on the basis of ‘first past the post’ to be appointed. If the vote is a draw, a second and subsequent ballot will be held until one individual secures a majority.